Monday, December 2, 2024

December 2024 Newsletter

Week of December 3rd to 5th -- Begin Numbers Unit,  Numbers 1-2 and 3-4, Shapes -- Diamonds and Ovals, Christmas, and Christmas Around the World:  Africa, Mexico, and England

Week of December 10th to 12th -- Numbers 3-4 and 5-6, Christmas, and Christmas Around the World -- France, Italy, and Germany

Week of December 17th to 19th -- Numbers 7-8, Christmas, and Christmas Around the World -- Holland, Sweden, U.S., and Australia

December 19th -- Christmas Party and Gift Exchange

Please remember to have your child bring something for Show and Tell on their assigned day.  This is important, as it is their first public speaking.


We will be sending home advent chains on December 3rd.  The children should take off one candy cane each day starting at the bottom beginning today, Tuesday, December 3rd.  When they take off the last one, the next day will be Christmas, so count the sticker as Christmas Day.


On Thursday, December 19th, we will have our Christmas Party and Gift Exchange.  The gift should cost around $5.00.  The boys need to bring a boy’s gift and the girls need to bring a girl’s gift.  Please bring your gift by Thursday, December 12th.  Will the following children please bring a special snack for the party:  Linkin Todd and Rena Ball.  There are 5 people in the class.


Our last day of school before Christmas Vacation is December 19th.  We will resume school on January 7th.  The last day for extended care will be December 20th.  We will resume extended care on January 6th.


A reminder that our website is <>.  The website includes information for the school and extended care. 


We hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.


Coming up in January:


          Numbers: 9 & 10

Begin letters again

          Work on learning how to tie shoes and addresses and phone numbers


          Martin Luther King

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