Wednesday, January 3, 2024

January 2024 Newsletter

Week of January 3rd to 4th -- A & B Week, Arctic, Begin Positions Unit--Under & On Week, Winter, and All About Me

Week of January 9th to 11th -- C & D Week, Dentists, In & Between Week, Begin Writing Names, Winter, Martin Luther King, and All About Me

Week of January 16th to 18th -- E & F Week, Eskimos, Friends, Beside & Behind Week, Begin Tying Shoes, Winter, and All About Me

Week of January 23rd to 25th -- G & H Week, Groundhogs, Hats, Positions Review, and Winter


We will begin going through the alphabet again.  This time we will work on objects beginning with each letter, color pictures, and write the letters.


This month we are also working on a unit called “All About Me”, positions, writing their names, and learning to tie their shoes.


On Wednesday, February 14th, we will have a Valentine’s Day Party and Valentine Card Exchange.  We will be making Valentine Delivery Trucks for our valentine cards.  Please do not put any other children’s names on the card’s outside or envelopes.  Each child sends one to everyone else in their class, but they just sign their own names on the back of the cards.  There are currently 12 in the class.  The cards should be brought February 7th and 8th.


Will the following children’s mothers please send a special snack for our Valentine's Day Party: Lillian Sullivan, Calin Wilson, and Beretta Wright.


Reminder: We will also be called off if the North Lawrence schools are called off because of the weather.  Also, if there is a two-hour delay, class will be from 10:00—1:00.  Daycare will still be open regular hours those days.


A reminder that our website is <>.  The website includes information for the school and extended care.

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